
6 July 1931                                  First meeting to consider starting new church
4 Oct. 1931                                  First evening service held in Sanderstead Hall
1 Feb. 1932                                 Site bought on Sanderstead Hill
2 Nov. 1932                                Children’s Church started
19 Jan. 1933                               Formation of the Church at a Covenant Service
2 Feb. 1933                                 First Church Meeting held
16 Feb. 1933                               First Election of Deacons
2 Dec. 1933                                 Laying of Foundation Stones
1 July 1934                                  First Sunday Services in new Church
Oct. 1934                                     Bible Reading Fellowship started
Oct. 1934                                     Junior Church started
4 April 1935                                Church Constitution adopted
Jan. 1937                                     First Church manual produced (117 members)
1 Jan. 1937                                  Freewill Offering (envelope) Scheme adopted
26 Nov. 1938                              Foundation Stones of new Hall laid
6 May 1939                                 New Hall opened
Sept. 1939                                   New Hall taken over by the military
22 Oct. 1939                               Completed Church opened with 3rd manual added to organ

1942                                            Women’s Committee started, later known as the Women’s Council
1942                                            Youth Fellowship inaugurated
1946                                            Youth Council formed
May 1947                                    Social Service Committee formed

July 1951                                     Opening of new Sunday School at Hamsey Green
20 Sept 1959                              Small Hall opened
Sept. 1959                                   New Over 18 Group formed

14 Feb. 1960                               Morning Service televised
Mar. 1969                                    First Abbeyfield House became our responsibility

Jan. 1971                                    Coffee ‘n Chat formed
Nov. 1971                                   Church Visitors distribute first edition of “Community”
Dec. 1971                                   Request from Assisi for exchange of messages
Apr. 1972                                   First children’s Holiday Week
5 Oct. 1972                                The United Reformed Church formed
5 May 1974                                Communion Service on Radio
May                                             Second Abbeyfield House opened
27 July 1978                               Television service and dialogue
1979                                            Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

2 May 1981                                 Opening of new Church Pavilion

Mar.1996                                     Signing of Local Ecumenical Project with St. Mary’s (C of E)
29 Jun. 1997                               I.T.V. Television Service
22 May 1999                               Re-union ~ Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

4 June 2000                             New Vestibule dedicated
May 2007                                 Pews replaced with chairs
January 2018                            AV  system upgrade completed